Privacy Policy for Tintopia

Effective Date: Sep 11, 2024

At Tintopia, your privacy is our top priority. We want to be clear about how we handle your information. Here’s our simple privacy policy:

1. No Personal Data Collection

We do not collect any personal information from you. This means we don’t ask for your name, email address, or any other identifying details.

2. No Tracking

We do not track your activity.

3. No Third-Party Sharing

Since we don’t collect your data, we don’t share any information with third parties. Your privacy is completely protected.

4. Your Control

You are in control. You can use our app without worrying about your data being collected or tracked.

5. Changes to This Policy

If we ever change our privacy policy, we will update this page.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Thank you for using Tintopia! Your privacy matters to us.